Transform your space into a sanctuary of positive energy with out home blessings and clearings, inviting peace and harmony to flow freely throughout.
A home blessing is a ritual or ceremony performed to bring positive energy, protection, and harmony into a living space. Many people find value in home blessing ceremonies when purchasing a new home, inviting in new family members, or when ushering in major life changes and new commitments. While there are many valid ways to perform a home blessing, Stephanie and Rae are able to offer this ritual from a nondenominational, mystical paradigm as well as Christian paradigm (or both!) It is also important to note that these rituals are further customized to each person and their situation so while we can offer a brief description, we cannot predict what your blessing will look like until we are able to gather necessary information.
Setting Intentions: Stephanie and Rae will assist in helping you reflect on your intentions for your home, including what you would like your home to embody and how you would like your home to feel. This could also involve a crystal grid, again, all depending on your spiritual paradigm.
Cleansing: Stephanie and Rae will work to remove any dense, stuck, or negative energy that may be held in your home. This can be done in several different ways, some of which may include burning sage, using sound and vibration, prayer, and reiki.
Blessing: After clearing the space Stephanie and Rae will bless the home and assist you in cementing your intentions. This may also involve reciting prayers, speaking words of gratitude and love for the space and those who dwell within it, as well as working with music or sound.
Protection: Many home blessings also include a component of protection, to safeguard the space and its occupants from harm or negative influences. This might involve visualizing a protective barrier around the home, placing protective symbols or talismans in strategic locations, or reciting specific prayers or invocations for protection. There are many sacred symbols and it is important that your home reflects protection symbols that you personally hold sacred, so this will vary.
A home cleansing is a ritualistic or ceremonial practice aimed at clearing a space of negative or dense energy with the intention of creating a more harmonious and positive environment. The process is quite similar to the outline for home blessings but is focused much more heavily on the clearing aspect of the ritual. There are many specific times during which someone may want to consider conducting a home cleansing including in the aftermath of major conflict, addiction, abuse, trauma, depression, anxiety, or extreme emotional disturbance. However, Mångata Wellness is not qualified to perform this ritual in situations where an induvial may feel that there is demonic or haunting energy in the home- we recommend escalating this to those that specialize in this kind of clearing, be that a priest, minister, shaman, or experienced practitioner.
The process typically involves several steps:
Setting Intentions: This step is identical to that of a home blessing.
Opening Ritual: Rae and Stephanie will invoke divine intervention to guide and support them in the ritual of clearing your home. This might involve music, verse, poetry, sound, and prayer. (Again, respecting the individual’s paradigm.)
Cleansing Ritual: The main part of the cleansing involves physically and energetically purifying the space. In this instance, we can assure you that this will involve some level of burning sage or Palo Santo, as well as prayer, sound, and reiki. We will also be intentional about giving attention to specific areas in the home that might contain more negative energy due to what each space has experienced.
Sealing and Protecting: After clearing the space, Stephanie and Rae will seal the home to assist in cementing your new intentions for your home and to aid in preventing reemergence of negative energy. This will involve the use of the sacred protection symbols from your spiritual paradigm to help you hold the grid of protection.
Closing Ritual: Once the cleansing is complete, it's important to close the ritual and seal in the positive energy you've invoked. This might involve offering gratitude for the cleansing, a final prayer, and declaring the space as cleansed, blessed, and ready to be filled with love and positivity.
Rates start at 300 depending on location and square footage.